Hunger Action Center

We all play a role in ending hunger.

Hunger Free Vermont advocates for policies at the local, state, and federal level that ensure everyone living in Vermont can meet their needs and has access to enough food and the right foods for them and their families. Ending hunger requires changing laws and policies that make it hard for people to make ends meet or access the food they need.

Our voice alone is not enough, and we need you to join us in raising your voices to help eradicate hunger in our state.

As Hunger Free Vermont looks towards the 2025 legislative session, we will be back in the Statehouse advocating for systemic changes that will center the needs of our communities which are most impacted by the effects of hunger. Our goal is to end the injustice of hunger for everyone in Vermont, and we need your help to get there. Keep an eye on this page as the legislative session approaches for opportunities to get involved.  

Share information about food resources

Help spread the word about food assistance programs!

When we make sure that everyone who is eligible for food assistance programs gets connected to their benefits, we're contributing to the well-being of our entire community. Thanks to everyone who is helping to raise awareness about the various benefits available.

Resource Flyer

Support the Restaurant Meals Program in Vermont!

Hunger Free Vermont is currently advocating for the State of Vermont to launch the Restaurant Meals Program (RMP) here in Vermont. The RMP would allow certain 3SquaresVT (also known as SNAP) recipients to use their benefits at participating local restaurants. 

Click here to learn more.

To stay up to date with our advocacy initiatives, sign-up for our Advocacy and Action email list below.

If you are interested in volunteering to help our advocacy efforts in the upcoming legislative session, please send an email to our Legislative Policy Lead, Autumn Moen, at