Get food help

We all deserve nutritious and delicious food that fits our personal and cultural needs. 

Here is information about some of the many programs in Vermont that might be helpful for you.

We are working hard to keep this page up to date with the latest changes. Click on the headings to learn more. 

3SquaresVT +

woman unpacking groceries

3SquaresVT (also known nationally as SNAP) is a program that provides people with money every month to buy food. When you use 3SquaresVT, you can shop where and when you want.

Each month, money is automatically deposited onto an EBT card, which looks and works just like a debit card. Your EBT card can be used to buy groceries at over 600 food retailers in Vermont, more than 40 farmers markets, and anywhere in the U.S. that accepts EBT. A family of five could receive up to $1,155 a month to buy groceries.

Nearly 70,000 Vermonters get 3SquaresVT benefits every month but many more people qualify. It is a program for everyone who qualifies, and the people who qualify and participate in the program span a wide range of experiences including, but not limited to: people who are employed and unemployed, people who own homes or rent homes or are experiencing homelessness; people who are older adults, college students, who have families with children or who are living by themselves or with housemates.

Many people who have not used 3SquaresVT in the past may now be eligible to receive benefits. Learn more about applying for 3SquaresVT here.

3SquaresVT and Crop Cash: Shop with 3SquaresVT at more than 40 farmers markets in Vermont. Up to $10 of your 3SquaresVT benefits can be doubled in Crop Cash to purchase fruits, veggies and edible plants! This means $10 in 3SquaresVT buys $20 in local food (once per market day) when you visit a farmers market. Visit multiple markets each week to maximize your benefit. Visit NOFA-VT’s website to find a farmers market near you!

Food for children +

2 girls eating lunch at a cafeteria table

School Meals: When schools are in session, children attending public schools are fed breakfast and lunch for free! Thanks to the Universal School Meals law, which was enacted in 2023, parents and caregivers do not need to worry about learners being hungry during the school day. The law has been a huge success across the state, and it is opening new doors for school food programs. Many schools and communities are becoming newly eligible to offer afterschool meals this school year.

WIC: If you’re pregnant, a caregiver, or a parent with a child under five, you may be eligible for WIC. WIC stands for Women, Infants and Children (but you don’t have to be a woman to apply if you are raising young kids). WIC gives you access to healthy foods, nutrition education and counseling, breastfeeding support, and referrals to other support services. To find out more and get help applying, visit WIC’s website or text ‘VTWIC’ to 855-11. Families who receive 3SquaresVT benefits are automatically eligible for WIC.

Food for older Vermonters (60+) +

older woman holding a tray of food

The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) is a federal program that offers free monthly nutrition information and nutritious foods to income-eligible older adults. Click this link to learn more and to apply.

Meals on Wheels is a program that delivers meals to individuals at home who are unable to purchase or prepare their own meals. There are many organizations in Vermont that provide Meals on Wheels service and support. Additionally, meal sites across the state are a wonderful space for folks to gather, socialize, and get a nourishing meal. For more information, call The Helpline at 1-800-642-5119.

3SquaresVT in a SNAP is the easiest way for older adults and people with disabilities to apply for food and fuel assistance. With one application, you can receive monthly food and fuel benefits for three years, before needing to recertify. For more information or to apply, call The Helpline at 1-800-642-5119.

Other Food Resources: +

man delivering food to an older man's home The Vermont Foodbank partners with over 300 food shelves, meal sites, and community organizations throughout the state. You can Find A Food Shelf near you, including contact and location information. The Vermont Foodbank also hosts the Veggie Van Go program, which gives away free fresh vegetables and fruit at hospitals and schools across the state. Click this link to learn more about a Veggie Van Go event near you.

Shopping at Vermont’s farmers markets is a great way to support our farmers, growers and local economy, and buy fresh, nourishing foods. There are a number of programs that make shopping at markets and farm stands more affordable:

Click here for our seasonal food resources for all flyer.