Actions, contact info & more

The Hunger Councils of Vermont network is a powerful force in the state. Using our combined voices, we raise awareness of key issues, encourage policy makers to  support initiatives to end hunger, and share resources that make each other's work stronger. The combined efforts of our Council members’ unique perspectives are critical in addressing hunger in our communities.

Every Hunger Council also has its own unique projects and impact, depending on its members and the local issues facing their communities. Below is more information on each Council, including some of the projects we're working on, contact information, and links to our most recent meeting agendas and notes. Please feel free to contact Katy Davis, the Hunger Free Vermont staff member for your Council (see the drop-down list below), and/or your Council Chair(s) with any questions, ideas, or suggestions at any time! 

 Are you new to a Hunger Council or want to learn more about these groups?

Learn more and sign-up for your local Hunger Council here.

Hunger Council Projects and Tools +

Healthy food donations guide - Developed by the Healthy Harvest Network, a subcommittee of food shelves and food pantries, this is a helpful guide for people who want to donate to food shelves.

Food storage infrastructure inventory - A team of community partners in the Lamoille Valley recognized the importance of having spaces for organizations to store food before distributions. The team reached out to a wide range of businesses and organizations in the area to compile this inventory.

The Northeast Kingdom Food Access Network, a subcommittee of the NEK Hunger Council, has created a printable guide of food shelves and other direct food distribution sites across Caledonia, Essex, and Orleans Counties.

Meet the Hunger Councils +

Each Hunger Council is chaired by a team of local leaders, and supported by Hunger Free Vermont staff. Below is the contact information for each Hunger Council team.

Addison County:

Emily Landenberger, Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op
Pete Antos-Ketcham, New Community Project
Catherine Caum, Hunger Free Vermont

Bennington County:
Dare Chammings, Alliance for Community Transformations
Linda Darlington, Bennington County Head Start and Early Head Start
Katy Davis, Hunger Free Vermont
Mariana Sears, Hunger Free Vermont

Chittenden County:
Hannah Baxter, Intervale Center
Cedar Schiewetz, community member
Katy Davis, Hunger Free Vermont

Franklin & Grand Isle Counties:
Michelle Trayah, Northwestern Counseling & Support Services
Christine Porcaro, Healthy Roots Collaborative
Ivy Enoch, Hunger Free Vermont

Lamoille Valley:
John Mandeville, Central Vermont Council on Aging
Teddy Waszazak, Hunger Free Vermont

Northeast Kingdom:
Ed Sunday-Winters, Greensboro United Church of Christ
Barbara Edelman, Northeast Kingdom Community Action
Mariana Lamaison Sears, Hunger Free Vermont

Rutland County:
Tracy Weatherhogg, Pawlet Community Church and Vermont Farmers Food Center
Kimberly Williams, Vermont Foodbank
Keely Agan, Hunger Free Vermont

Upper Valley:
Jennifer Fontaine, Upper Valley Haven
Jessica Gorhan, New Hampshire Hunger Solutions
Tim Morgan, Hunger Free Vermont

Washington County:
Ashley Andrews, Vermont Agency of Transportation
Sarah Lipton, Montpelier Senior Activity Center
Lechelle-Antonia Gray , Hunger Free Vermont

Windham Region:
Laura Caloz Chapman, Putney Foodshelf
Trisha Paradis, Springfield Family Center
Sabina Parker, Hunger Free Vermont


  • Bennington County: Food Access subcommittee
  • Northeast Kingdom: NEK Food Access Network (NEK FAN)
  • Upper Valley: Communications subcommittee
  • Washington County: Mapping Tool subcommittee