Hunger Free Vermont organizes 10 regional Hunger Councils - coalitions of community members and local organizations who care about hunger in our communities. These groups work together to share information, raise awareness, brainstorm solutions, and build effective collaborations.

No matter where you live in Vermont, there's a group of people working to end hunger and improve food security. Membership is open to anyone who wants to be a part of this work!

 The Hunger Councils meet regularly to focus on a range of different issues and to share updates. The collaboration also continues outside of meetings through regular communications, subcommittees, and partnerships. These groups have proven to be invaluable resources for local communities and the state of Vermont. They have played key roles in supporting many of the anti-hunger policy initiatives led by Hunger Free Vermont and other partners. 

To learn more about a Hunger Council, you can reach out to any Council's co-chairs.

You can also join our listservs by filling out the form below! These email listservs are a great place to ask for and share information, publicize food systems opportunities, and of course, learn how to join a Hunger Council meeting. 

Hungers Councils & The Food Security Roadmap:

In 2024, we launched a statewide conversation on the VT Farm to Plate Food Security Roadmap to 2035 in collaboration with the VT Farm to Plate Network and the Hunger Councils of Vermont. This ten-year plan aims to ensure all Vermonters are food secure.

Hunger Free Vermont is committed to partnering with Farm to Plate to integrate food security into town planning, infrastructure development, emergency preparedness, and more. By working closely with local communities, we ensure solutions to hunger are well-coordinated and accountable to the roadmap.

As part of this effort, we are reimagining the Hunger Councils as key hubs for community-centered advocacy, aligning with our broader shift toward centering the voices of those most impacted by hunger.

Stay engaged by visiting our website or joining your local council to be part of this work.