Davis: Universal School Meals is good for business
“Vermont families with children were five times more likely to experience hunger in 2021, according to a survey from the University of Vermont. And as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact income and long-term savings, kids’ nutrition is attended to for many at one place — school.
As the pandemic spread, the federal government stepped in with waivers that allowed all children to eat breakfast and lunch at school at no cost to their families. These waivers are set to expire in June, and childhood hunger is still a constant threat for far too many Vermonters.
Why are we thinking of taking food away from our kids when they still need it?
Vermont’s House Education Committee is digging into a bill that would require all schools to offer two meals per day to every student, without charge, making school meals an educational expense, as they should be.
We hope the committee and all legislators will support that bill.”